Friday 20 January 2012

First Ideas and Story Board for mian task

A little while into planning our main task we found out that we had too many people in our group and would have to split. There were five of us but you were only aloud four. We decide that me and Dom would go into a group of two and the girls would stay together. We decided this because me and Dom were more likely to see each other and arrange things outside of school. We were also joined by Connor Thompson from the other class, this meant we could split the roles up better and work more efficiently.

The three of us came up with this as our idea for the main task:

To sum it up, a young girl leaves early from a party with her friends because she has had an argument. She walks home alone until she hears a scream, she follows the noise as she thinks somebody might be in trouble. She finds herself in a strange building were a masked man appears and kills her. She then wakes up in a panic to discover it was a dream and goes back to sleep. However once she has turned away the camera reveals the same masked man from the dream to be just outside her bedroom. The storyboard goes into more detail about camera angles and movement etc.

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