Friday 16 September 2011

Television Advert Analysis

I chose to analyse is the Coors light ‘Jean-Claude Van Damme’ advert. This is a link to the advert.

· The location is the Rockies Mountains in America; these are snowy and very cold. This represents the beer being cold and refreshing.

· Jean-Claude Van Damme is wearing a sleeveless demine jacket.
· As it is obviously very cold where he is it shows that even though he can handle the cold of the mountains and snow he still finds Coors light refreshing.

· The main prop in this advert is the bottle of Coors light.
· At first we don’t know that the bottle is in the advert and we are made to think it is a tear. Then when the camera zooms out we see the bottle.
· It is used to show that even in snowy and cold the beer is still refreshing as it is codensating down Van Damme’s face.

· When we first see Van Damme, with what we think is a tear, there is no light shining on his face. This shows negativity and sadness.
· When the camera zooms out and we see the bottle the light shines on the bottle however still not on Van Damme. This suggests that it’s all about the beer and not Van Damme.
· At the end of the advert we see the bottle and a glass on top of the mountain, with the sun shining on both of them.
· The light shining on the bottle shows us that it is the main product and it is important. It perhaps even symbolises that the beer is heavenly as the light is like a halo.

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